The Leadership Forum Interview Thanks for inspiring others with your story! There are 12 questions in your interview. To get started, please supply the information requested below, then hit the blue "Start Survey" button. First Name Last Name Company Title Email 1. Can you summarize for our audience what you and/or your business does? 2. Is there a story to tell about your journey to success that might inspire others? 3. What’s your vision of the future for your business and yourself personally? 4. What change would you make in the world if you had the power to change anything you wanted? 5. What’s the most interesting, unexpected, or quirky thing we don’t know about you? 6. Who or what do YOU look to for inspiration? 7. What’s the greatest risk you’ve taken so far and why did you take it? 8. Please briefly describe the most innovative or impactful project you’ve worked on to date, the one that grabbed your attention and you just knew you had to go all in. 9. Do you have any recent wins you’d like to share, feel free to boast just this once? 10. On reflection, what would you have done differently if you had that time again? 11. What advice would you give to inspire someone who sees what you’ve achieved and might want to model your success? 12. Where can our audience contact you or find out more about the products or services you offer? Thanks for taking the time to inspire others! Hit "Submit" and we'll email you when your interview is live and you can share it with your community. Les Blythe Founder - The Leadership Forum Previous Start Survey Next Time's up